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Pension Drawdown vs Annuity: Which is Best?

Written by

Caroline Wishart-Young

Financial Planner


Financial Planning
Inheritance Tax

So, you’ve spent all those years contributing into your pension and now it is time to retire and take an income, but what is the best way to do this?

We’ve compared the pros and cons of the two most common options – Drawdown and Annuity – to help you make an informed choice about your financial future and funding your retirement.

What are the key differences of Drawdown vs. Annuity?

Before we dive into the pros and cons of drawdown vs annuity, it's crucial to understand the fundamental difference between them.

The key difference lies in flexibility versus certainty. Drawdown typically offers more control over your money, but it comes with ongoing responsibility and risk. Where an annuity provides guaranteed income but lacks flexibility once set up.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each in more detail below.

Pension Drawdown: Flexibility in Retirement Income

Think of drawdown as keeping your pension pot invested while taking income from it. It's like having a savings account that you can dip into as needed. Your money remains invested in the market, potentially growing over time, but also subject to market fluctuations.

The Pros of Choosing Pension Drawdown

  1. Flexibility: As mentioned, drawdown gives you the option to increase or decrease your level of withdrawals depending on your income requirements at the time and change how often you receive the payments. 

    You also have the option to take additional lump sums from your pension if they are needed. However, this can reduce how long your pension will last for and will also be subject to tax.

  2. Inheritance: In the event of your death, any pension funds left over can be passed to your chosen beneficiaries , which can help loved ones financially in the future, and by completing an Expression of Wish, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that the funds have been left to those who you have chosen.

  3. Growth: As your pension funds remain invested whilst you are withdrawing the money, growth can still be achieved to help prolong the length of time the income can be paid.

    However your investment views, circumstances, objectives and markets themselves on could change, so an ongoing assessment of your current investment strategy is essential.

The Cons of Pension Drawdown

  1. Investment Risk: Your pension funds remain invested, this means that the value of the funds can go down, so you could end up losing some of your money. 

    This approach is why it is good to have a Financial Adviser looking after your investments so you can have peace of mind that an expert is looking after this for you.

  2. Longevity Risk: when in drawdown, there is a chance that you could outlive your pension money, meaning you will have a shortfall in the income you need during retirement. This can happen if you are drawing too much money out for the size of the pension pot you have.

    With a financial adviser they can help reduce the chances of this occurring, by working with you to plan your cash flows and spending needs to help you understand how sustainable and secure your retirement is.

Annuities Explained: Guaranteed Income for Life

An annuity, on the other hand, is more like trading your pension pot for a regular pay-check. You give your pension savings to an insurance company, and in return, they promise to pay you a fixed income for the rest of your life, regardless of how long you live.

The Advantages of Pension Annuities

  1. Security: With an annuity you get a guaranteed income for life, meaning that you have a reliable income source for your lifetime; so you know exactly what is going to be received each month, no matter what. 

  2. Simplicity: No matter what is happening in the market, your income from the annuity will not change as it is a fixed amount and is not linked to any investments.

  3. Increased Income Option: When applying for an annuity, make sure to disclose any health conditions as you may be eligible for an enhanced annuity if you have a condition which affects your life expectancy.


The Disadvantages of Annuities

  1. Lack of Flexibility: When you purchase an annuity, the income is for your lifetime so there is no way to make any changes to it once it is in force. 

    This means that future income needs will have to be sourced from elsewhere.
  2. Inflation Risk: Inflation can mean that your fixed income amount could struggle to keep up with the increasing cost of day-to-day expenses. 

    You can choose an annuity option which helps protect against this, but it may mean the annual amount you can get is less.

  3. Limited Inheritance: In the event of your death the income payments do not pass onto any beneficiaries, they just stop. 

    You can choose an option with a spousal or dependents benefit, but again this may mean the annual amount that you can get is less.

Key Factors to Consider when choosing Drawdown or Annuity

It’s clear that there is many factors to consider when it comes to taking your pension income, speaking with a Financial Adviser can help you understand which option is the right one for you, and what you can do to achieve your desired income in retirement.

Choosing between drawdown and annuity isn't just about the numbers – it's about your lifestyle, risk tolerance, and legacy goals. 


Drawdown offers flexibility and growth potential but requires ongoing management, whilst annuities provide certainty but at the cost of flexibility. 

Choosing the best option for Retirement

You don't have to navigate this crucial decision alone. Our experienced financial advisers are here to help you create a personalised retirement strategy that aligns with your unique needs and goals. 

Contact us today to schedule a pension review and take the first step towards a secure and fulfilling retirement. The first meeting is always at our expense!

Financial Planning
Inheritance Tax

Caroline Wishart-Young

Financial Planner